Essays and Bad Ideas

Cranky Old Man Shit: Emo-ji

I’m am slowly —slowly— adjusting to emojis. I was slow to embrace emoticons before that. I’m just slow. But I’ll get there, because I try not to cling too tightly to unnecessary conventions.

With that said, I hope we don’t forever lose OTOH, IMHO, AFAIK, and a few other choice bits of early Internet-ese, because they’re more than of-their-time abbreviations. To steal a line from the alt-right fucksticks, I see those terms as virtue signals. The best possible kind.

If I see that someone has peppered qualifiers like “in my humble opinion” and “as far as I know” into their writing, or demonstrated their ability to process opposing ideas with “on the other hand”, it suggests I’m dealing with a reasonable human being who wants to leave room in her thoughts for the possibility that she might be wrong. And we need a lot more reasonable human beings in the world.