Essays and Bad Ideas

Cranky Old Man Shit: True

No matter your gender or proclivities, if at any time you feel the urge to sincerely use the word true immediately followed by any variation on the terms dom or sub, just stop. Just… don’t.

Instead, pause to consider that you wouldn’t know truth if it tied you up and fucked you with its big, cosmic dick. You may find that there’s more twixt heaven and perversity than is dreamt of in your self-righteous, half-baked little philosophy, and if you don’t, congratulations, you’re an idiot. Oh, and again… shut up.

(This goes double for you if you’re over the age of twenty-five. Hyperactive, unwarranted certainty is adorable on kids, tedious on young adults, and a justification for unexpected throat-punching on grown-ups.)

Or put more simply: you’re being a douche. Dial it back a few notches, ‘k?