Stories and Captions

Isn’t it amazing to know there are girls out there who look at porn like this and don’t get wet? Imagine how good it must feel inside, to be above that, to be the kind of person –the kind of woman– whose eyes, rather than fill with lust, instead brim with compassion at the sight of another in pain.

I’ll bet it feels clean, to be certain you’d never stand by and watch it happen, or worse, bury your hand in your panties and sync your orgasm to the exact moment when her agony and shame reach a wailing crescendo. A girl like that, who would never betray her sex by encouraging those thugs to “rape the bitch harder”… well, she probably looks in the mirror every day and actually smiles at what she sees.

Just visualize it: not being a fuck-starved, selfish, and desperate piece of trash.

Assuming you can, of course. I know that’s asking a lot from you.