Broken Girl Media

Dear Seth MacFarlane

“It’s hard for me to take the things you say seriously when I know what’s been in that mouth of yours.” –Family Guy S10E21

Call me, dude. If that’s where your head’s at, I can hook you up. I’m writing that shit all day long, right here on this blog, for free. Sign me a modest check and let’s start crankin’… I think I’ll be particularly effective writing for Meg.

Seriously, how has that line not shown up in misogyny-porn yet?

p.s. How funny is it that, to a certain type of person, “misogyny-porn” is as redundant a construction as “ATM machine” or “Palin-esque stupidity”?

p.p.s. Isn’t it odd that I find that funny?

p.p.p.s. I am so very high right now.