Questions and Answers

What do you do with a girl who isn’t broken, just cracked?

How are you defining your terms? Working from my usage of “broken girl” —a dumb little cunt who finds herself emotionally and sexually disgusting, and gets wet when a man tells her she’s right to feel that way— what does “cracked” mean?

Is it “a broken girl who thinks she can be mended?” If that’s the case, then I wish her the best of luck, offer my warmest regards, and caution her to always remember that her instincts will destroy her as surely as any man.

Or is it “a broken girl who’s clinging to the last scraps of her denial, counting on nuance and equivocation to protect her from the dawning realization that there’s not a single goddamned thing about her that matters more than her cunt?” To her, I offer the same warning— only with a knowing, annoyingly self-satisfied smirk.

Oh, and a punch card for repeat visits.