Stories and Captions

Born Again

[CONTENT ADVISORY: Here be dragons.]

You’re a filthy daughter of Lot; always have been, always will be. It’s in the divine plan, that you’d end up this way, making me do these things to you. I’m just grateful to the good Lord for giving me the strength to endure your unholy depredations for so awfully long; I held out against the devil inside you for nineteen straight years!

Nineteen years of knowing how rotten and vile you would become, watching you move among people like you were one of them, like you belong in this world! Like you’re anything more than an ugly accident, an– an unpleasant side-effect of the Lord’s bitter medicine.

He had to kill your mother; you know that, right? To teach me a lesson. To open my eyes, He took her from me in the hour of your birth. And so much worse, He convicted her heart of its sinful silence.

She told me in the delivery room that you were never mine, that you belonged to some strange man at a bar. I didn’t know then about the bars, or the men, or the abominations that gnawed at her soul as I slept in ignorance at her side. All I knew in that moment was that her last breath and your first both stank of a woman’s deepest disgrace. She betrayed her vows before God, and He was so offended that He stilled her heart as soon as you were done with it.

You, the slimy, screeching parasite that worked God’s will upon His forsaken daughter and His willfully blind son; you, the damnation she spawned from her tainted womb.

But bowing to the Lord’s wisdom, I paid heed to his warning! Thanks to Him, you’ve never been far from my sight, never been left to the devil’s devices. Your hands have never known an idyll, for I have always known they would surely stray. As He appointed me, I have been the Lord’s guardian, sentinel at the gate of your absent virtue. Not your protector, but your anointed jailer, defending Sodom from itself by walling you up in a vacant life.

Now, though? In these late hours, I tire of my vigil. I’m weary of you, of me, and of my penance. You have been the heaviest of burdens, and though it cost me my salvation, the time has come to lay my burden down. Lay it down and spread its legs, to see it bear for me as I’ve borne for it.

I’ve done what I can for you. Tried to beat the sin from your flesh, starve the demons inside you, and preach to the cancer in your soul from dawn to dusk. Nothing works. You always fail me, as you must, as must all things born into the iniquity of Fallen Woman.

Not even God will save you now.

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