Essays and Bad Ideas

Why must a woman be modest to be respected?

An excellent question. Why is modesty so revered? I maintain that a modest girl should have the same opportunity to be disrespected as anyone else.

Do you people have any idea how many creepy, evil-minded, clit-obsessed little perverts are out there right now, shrouded head-to-toe in eight layers of black-on-black fabric that they’ll tell you is fashion, but is really just a wall of goth clichés they’ve constructed to obscure the public view of their sickness?

Do you not get that there are countless desperate, sex-addled, cum-starved, and sinful daughters of God among us, rubbing and sweating away in the shameful dark, who seldom allow their bodies to see the light of day simply because they’re so fucking broken they’ll even let dead men in books control their lives?

Is it possible not to notice how much frustration, fear, and far-fetched fantasy is building up behind the eyes of so many of those hard-working little achievers, the neighborhood good girls who keep their grades up, skirts down, knees together, and career options open, who never really learn to trust anyone, and thus spend their adult lives growing out while rotting within, until the weight of the living upon the dead brings everything crashing down?

They’re out there, if you know how to look. All of them and more, so normal and demure, each telling the world the lies it needs to hear so it will leave her to cry in peace. They are pathetic, ravenous little creatures who cannot be sated until they’ve been fed upon, but you’ll overlook them every time if you’re fooled by their camouflage.

So always remember: the amount of skin a woman shows you doesn’t make her a whore.

It’s what’s inside that counts.