Questions and Answers

My dad left when I was 9 bc snorting coke was more important than his own kid. Now I’m dating a coke addict and I hate myself more and more everyday for it


Not “good, I’m glad your dad was a dick,” nor “good, you’re fucking a drug addict!” I mean “good, you’ve finally reached one of those rare moments in your life when you get to make a meaningful choice.” That hate you’re feeling is there for a reason… it’s asking a question that only you can answer.

“What am I?”

Not knowing the particulars of your situation, I can only speculate, but the responses before you seem to be threefold:

  1. “I’m a woman.” You can see clearly what you’re doing and why, and you know you can be more. You can do better. Congratulations, you’ve leveled-up. Get outta here and figure out how to make the world work for you.
  2. “I’m a little girl.” You’re confused and lost and tired a lot, so you stick with things you know are bad purely out of familiarity. It’s easier to accept being secondary –or wholly unnecessary– in your man’s life than it is to change. You’re a bit lazy and a lot weak, and everything is just simpler when there’s someone else to make decisions and take the blame.
  3. “I’m a cunt.” Because being a little girl makes you wet.

Whatever you choose, just remember that hate’s the question, not the answer.