Questions and Answers

Every so often I think of you and your blog and decide to stop by. It’s always the best decision ever. ❤️

Aw, you’re sweet. Good girl.

For the record, I love the relationship some of you have with this blog; y’know, those of you who like what I do, but don’t follow me because you know you need to control your intake, as if I’m a demonically decadent dessert that you both relish and dread. (A moment for your hole, a lifetime for your soul.)

I also appreciate those who tell me now and then that they love me, but can’t reblog my stuff because they don’t want to be forced to defend their taste to the uninitiated, or don’t want to give a bunch of Internet dickwits a perceived license to treat them like shit. I don’t mind that you’re ashamed to adore me; the shame is yours and the adoration mine, so it actually works out nicely for both of us.