
It looked like you were just pushing water out of your vagina. I know where the urethra is and it certainly didn’t look like the liquid was coming out of it 😂 When I piss my lips don’t push open like that, because it’s a totally different area… I guess the dinguses are the ones really believing that was you pissing!


yes u got me! i went 2 the store, bought a douche (can u even buy them in uk stores??) filled it up w/ water, inserted it in2 my pussy & then i filmed myself pushing the water out of my pussy 2 defraud my clients & dupe the tumblr community. i definitely didn’t just lay on my back & relax my bladder bc boy would that be 2 easy! consider: my vag prbly doesn’t look the same as urs & the ~pushing open~ was just me clenching my muscles 2 stop the flow & then relaxing them again. i’m sorry this has distressed u so much would u like a free clip bundle as compensation 4 being so stupid & pointlessly argumentative like every1 who ever enters my inbox. idk why i even logged back on 2 tumblr ur all so irritating lmao 

You people need to quit gratuitously annoying the naked girls. When you annoy the naked girls, they go away and then all we’re left with are old porn clips and men explaining feminism to themselves.

With that said, I love this conversation. If you’d told me thirty years ago that I’d be using my hand-held computer to watch women argue over how they look when they pee on themselves… well, honestly, I probably would have been a little grossed out. But then I would have been amazed.