Questions and Answers

how old is too old to be a virgin for a female?

i’m 26 and a virgin. i don’t want to go lose it to a stranger at a bar and i don’t have many male friends. with the exception of two guys, they’re all gay anyway. i want to lose it in a committed relationship, but it’s hard to find a guy. let me know what age is too old.

Given that you’re asking me, it’s safe to assume that any man you actually want inside you is going to be indifferent to the refinement of your sexual technique. Whether you’re 18 or 48, the guys who make your cunt wet can be counted upon to take what they want from you until you learn how to give it.

I think the better question is: “how old is too old to keep using your hymen as both a literal and figurative barrier to intimacy?” No matter what you might think, or what the girls in middle school might have said, screwing isn’t really that big a deal. I mean, it’s everything… but it’s also nothing. The really complicated things in life, the parts of it that demand hard-won experience, all come after the humping.

And that’s where your focus needs to be: getting to that experience. I’m not saying you should turn into a whore and start fucking randoms —although if my feelings matter at all, you should— but you need to stop freighting every potential relationship with the burden of your Precious Flower. After all, even if things go to plan and you’re coupled-up when you’re plucked, you’re still going to regret it to some degree. The chances you’ll be committed to him six months later are pretty slim, and the chances that his cock was worth the wait are even slimmer. Just like the rest of us, you won’t learn to make good choices until you make some bad ones.

Maybe it’s just me, but I think a little failure will look really good on you.