
A Christmas Story

[Twenty-four hours after receiving a pair of cheap Bluetooth earbuds for Christmas]

me: Good morning, honey.

her: Good morning, what’s goi—?

me: Shush. Look at me. Are you looking at me?

her: Uh… yeah.

me: [gestures to ear buds in ears]

me: This is who I am now. I am Bluetooth Headphone Guy. Everywhere I go, this is what the world will see.

her: Mm-hm.

me: That’s right. This is me! Even my dumps will have a soundtrack! I am a golden fucking god!

her: Okay.

me: My name is Daddy. D-A-D-D-Y, Daddy. And don’t you forget it!

her: Can I go back to sleep now?

me: [already walked away, humming *Sex & Candy*]