Broken Girl Media

Any Wednesday (1966)

From my “shit you people have never heard of” list:

Released in 1966, Any Wednesday was already old by the time I saw it as a kid. One of our local TV station managers apparently felt that he needed to squeeze every dime from the licensing fee he paid for the movie, because he ran it in the afternoon, every Saturday for a month. By the end of that month, AW was burned into my consciousness, and my pre-teen self was in love with Jane Fonda.

What’s weird is that, as ancient as it is, it ticks a lotta kinky Tumblr boxes. Jane is a sugar baby, living in a fab kitschy-arty apartment paid for by Jason Robards’ philandering CEO-with-an-age-gap. He’s domineering, patronizing, and dismissive, but he buys her pretty things and calls her “baby”, so she’s content. When Dean Jones’ version of Captain Save-A-Ho shows up, he sets out to undermine her autonomy and make her feel like a helpless gutter slut for taking what she’s been given. Hijinks ensue.

Is it funny? If you’ve got a taste for Broadway farce and Jane Fonda in her wide-eyed, “oh golly gee!” mode, then yes. It probably helps if you grew up watching Dean Jones in all those old “Herbie” and “Shaggy Dog” movies, I suppose. (Dean Jones was the ‘60s version of Christopher Gorham, but with better comic timing.) If two fast-talking white dudes waging a relentlessly polite, passive-aggressive war of words over a bimbo strikes you as amusing, you’ll have a good time.

Of course, I don’t know if there’s even a point in mentioning any of this… I doubt it’s streaming anywhere, and if it isn’t streaming, it doesn’t exist to you people. But you can buy a cheap digital copy from Amazon, if you’re so inclined.