Questions and Answers

If you could live in any era which would you pick and why?

As much as I love ancient and classical history, as much as I’m in awe of the creativity of the Renaissance, for all the cool things invented during the Industrial Revolution… and no matter how shitty it is, watching the greatest work of the Enlightenment spawn a national Cult of Stupidity in my lifetime… I still maintain there has never been a better time to be alive than right now.

We can peer billions of years into the past through giant chunks of glass we shot into space, we can be a daily presence in the lives of people across vast divides of ocean and culture, and the world is more peaceful and prosperous with seven billion people living upon it than it was when the population was counted in millions. Let’s face it… those are astonishing achievements for a bunch of hairless monkeys in sneakers.

Now is the time, children. Until tomorrow, which you can make even better if you try.