Questions and Answers

Hi! I really, really love your blog! I just turned 21 and my bf and I broke up because he wasn’t controlling enough for me. I’ve been talking to some guys online now, but nobody wants to dominate me like I want them to…why won’t anyone hurt me? am i doing something wrong? :(

Based on everything I’ve learned about Tumblr over the last four years, I feel it’s safe to say that if you can’t find a man willing to hurt you, then either:

a) You’re totally not trying.
b) You are somehow uniquely unappealing, in a cursed-by-a-witch-at-birth kind of way.
c) You have basic standards of safety and decency that you’re not yet horny enough to abandon.

The bad news is that a) and b) require effort to resolve, and possibly a pyre.

The good news is that c) will slowly sort itself out. Your cunt will always win.