Questions and Answers

Hey dude, this isn’t a question, I just wanted to tell you I really enjoy your content and state of mind.

In small ways your opinion’s and general lack of empathy has given me an “indifferent role model” for what being a “self respecting man” is in a way. I’m 25 and have been on and off this page in intervals for at least 2-4 years, coming back every now and then for laughs as well as inspiration for how to deal with fickle’d/damaged women. It’s really quite humbling in today’s bullshit culture.

I was going to be a dick about this, but you just won the lottery, and I’m going to be patient instead.

I sometimes think this kind of thing is more obvious than it is, but this blog is almost entirely powered by empathy. Nothing I do works without it. I spend ridiculous amounts of time getting to know people before I fuck with them precisely because I need to understand how they feel, and how my manipulation of those feelings will impact them. Some of that understanding comes from experience, but a lot of it comes from looking for connections —sometimes obscure— between what’s happening in a girl’s head and the shit that’s happened in mine. I’m not a submissive woman, but I’ve got a full spectrum of emotional responses at my disposal, and humans are humans… I’m incentivized to listen closely, and I give a shit about getting things right, so it’s not that hard to find little pieces of her in me.

I’m also concerned by that “damaged/fickle” comment. First, because conflating the two is all wrong; second, because it suggests a weariness with such women that isn’t good for anyone, including you.

Am I always 100% happy with the girls around me? Fuck no. They make bad decisions sometimes, and I get angry, or sad, or supportive… but I don’t resent them for being the kind of people who occasionally make bad calls. If they knew everything, and could flawlessly navigate their own heads, hearts, and lives, then they wouldn’t need me much, would they?

I honestly don’t think anyone should model themselves on me, but if you do, don’t model yourself on the part that writes nasty replies to freaky anons. Focus on the part that is constantly questioning itself and looking for ways to better connect with the girls in my life.

The best of me is a reflection of everything I see in them.