Stories and Captions

Bad Timing

[CONTENT NOTE: Here be dragons.]

You’re confused, baby… I can tell. So just hush while I clear things up for you, okay? Good.

I’m sure you see my hard cock and you probably wonder, “Does my Daddy want to make love to me?” Um, hardly. Now that I finally get a look at you, I suppose your body is usable, but that’s the extent of it; there’s nothing behind your eyes that I value. In fact, I find your sad little whore thoughts and your bad little whore dreams kind of tedious, almost as stupid and boring as your slut of a mother. I cut her out of my life years ago, like a fat, drunken little tumor, but for some reason, I’ve held on to you. My “lovely” little girl.

It’s simply that you were mine, I guess; a thing I made with my cock and my quiet rage. To the rest of the world —and especially your bitch stepmothers— you were just a mewling simpleton, best abandoned and forgotten. But to me, you were the bag where I kept my hate; I pumped all of it into your cow of a mother, and nine months later, she shat it back out. You were a part of me, I decided… a part I might need again someday.

And now, here we are.

I lost my job this morning, pumpkin. The job that kept a roof over our heads all these years, that paid for the college your lazy ass dropped out of, that dressed you in the flimsy, slutty rags you call clothes. The job that made my life mean something, that made all the rest of this shit endurable. It’s gone.

If you weren’t a selfish, shallow little twat, you would probably have realized that this was therefore the wrong fucking day for me to come home and find you calling in sick to work, smoking my weed, and sucking off Dave, our next door neighbor. He’s old enough to be me, y’know? Something just had to give, and that something happens to be you. Well, you and Dave’s nose… he’s not going to look so pretty to the neighborhood girls from now on, is he?


So here’s the deal: in a minute, I’m going to take my hand off your mouth and wrap it around your neck. You’re going to want to scream, but if you do, I’ll squeeze until your eyes roll back in your head. Either way, I’m then going to force my cock down your throat and keep it there until I feel like taking it out. You’re not going to like it, but it’s going to happen. It’s going to happen a lot, actually.

Today, I’m taking back what’s mine.