
So you just like really violent things now? That’s disturbing. Who doesn’t want affection or like romantic cute stuff done to them?


Well, no. I mean, I still swoon at the idea of getting forehead kisses or calling me cute nicknames or someone taking me by the waist to direct me to where I need to go or just randomly telling me they miss me but I don’t get that stuff and haven’t in over 3 years now.

I like what I get. It’s not disturbing and honestly, it’s not “really violent” either. It’s just kinky shit. I’m just more intune with kink right now than romance because romance is dead 🙃

Two questions and a thought:

  1. Is something like “annoying little shit” a cute nickname? If so, I’m good at cute nicknames.
  2. Near as anyone can tell, your waist is something like two-and-a-half feet off the floor. What kind of gorilla-armed motherfuckers are you into, weirdo? Chicks have conveniently-placed necks for steering, thank you very much.
  3. Pathetic, desperate girls are never missed ‘cause whenever you turn around… there they are.