Questions and Answers

Your cult is truly flourishing. I love it.

I don’t know about “flourishing”. There’s just the two guinea pigs/flunkies/assistants/acolytes right now, and let’s face it, that’s not a cult. I could house this group in a three bedroom apartment —two if the closets are big and someone doesn’t know how to behave herself— and I feel like a real cult demands a compound.

But we’ll get there. Plans are afoot.

Granted, those plans are somewhat impeded by the fact that the gifted academic minds (🙄) to whom I’ve yoked my psychosexual wagon aren’t the sorts one would normally consider “prime disciple material”. (Or “prime” anything, really. “Choice” at best, if I’m being generous.) It’s taking a while, figuring out how to utilize what passes for their strengths while working around/bulldozing their numerous and endlessly irritating weaknesses.

But they, too, will get there. I will kick them until they are.