Questions and Answers

Do you care about pleasuring the woman?

In the sense of taking satisfaction in eliciting little squeaks and squeals and giggles and moans from an excited idiot? Yes, I care. I like pulling the strings and watching the puppet dance.

In the sense of having a keen interest in sexual reciprocity and orgasmic symmetry? Nah, not my thing.

In the sense of eating pussy? Depends. How sweet is the pussy, and how humiliating does she find the idea of me reconnoitering her terrain? The less she wants it, the more likely I am to do it.

And now that I’ve answered your question, here’s mine: who the fuck still says “pleasuring the woman”? Are you contacting me via wormhole from back in 1984? Is this Dr. Ruth? If so, was Johnny Carson actually cool, or a stuck-up prick? I’ve always wondered.