






Short Stories

“When did your ankles get thick?” he asked.

She frowned.

“I— all I said was ‘good morning’…”

He placed his coffee cup on the counter.

“Really? I wasn’t listening.”

This makes me so sad EVERY time I see it, without fail.

Aw, you poor little pile of nonsense! Allow me to cheer you up with a fairy tale.

the kind prince: Ngh.

the nothing girl: Ow!

tkp: Ngh!

tng: Owowowow!

tkp: Okay, whose bright fucking idea was it to try and put boots on this bitch?

tng: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry!

tkp: Fuck it, someone go find a slipper.

why are the boots painful for her?

I can answer this two ways.

The nice way: because she’s quite a sturdy girl.

The ouchy way: because she’s got cankles like smokestacks. Try putting boots on a pair of bridge pylons and see how it works out for ya.

Neither of those ways are nice ways. In fact, nothing about this post is nice. Fyi 😒

I disagree. This post is the gift that keeps on giving. It’s like a boomerang made of joy. It makes me laugh every time I see it. It is the very essence of nice.

You just need to try harder to appreciate it, that’s all.