Questions and Answers

Dear Mr. Bedtime Man, Am I not pathetic enough? Are you gonna make me beg? All I want is to be treated poorly by a stranger online, and you’re soiling all of my wishes. Be mean to meeeeeeee. Sincerely, the Fraidy-cunt who previously revealed herself and got no response, which is somehow worse than a belittling one. Hmf😪

Now, see, I was thinking about being mean to you, but you had to go and fucking spoil it with your sense of entitlement. I just deleted a draft reply to one of your earlier asks, simply because you couldn’t even handle the basics of dealing with me. (Patience is an all-important virtue.) Congratulations, genius.

“Soiling all of my wishes.” Next to the careers of Twitch streamers and the planned reboot of Buffy, your wishes are among the most uninteresting things I’ve thought about in 2018.

“Hmf.” The only time I want to hear that come out of a girl’s head is the exact moment when her face begins to grind into my ass.

Back of the line.