Broken Girl Media

Baby Driver is among a subset of movies so striking that I re-watched them almost immediately. The others?

  • Branagh’s Henry V
  • Branagh’s Dead Again (I had a fanboy period.)
  • Forrest Gump (You deepfake kids are never going to understand why FG’s quiet use of visual effects —from the feather to all the doctored historical footage— seemed so miraculous.)
  • Seven (Because damn that was pretty.)
  • Infinity War (Because damn that was… I’m not sure, but there was a lot of it.)
  • The Congress (Which deserves a #brokengirlfilmacademy post of its own, because Robin Wright’s self-eviscerating, masochistic performance is one of my favorite things of all time.)
  • Desperado (Because Robert Rodriguez can’t craft a plot to save his life, but goddamn that opening sequence was dazzling.)
  • Magnolia (For all the Aimee Mann songs and the only useful Tom Cruise performance since Born On The Fourth Of July.)
  • Shutter Island (It’s a lesser Scorsese, but a better DiCaprio, and I wanted to watch it again to see if it really earned its ending.)
  • A Fish Called Wanda (Because of fucking Kevin Kline at his absolute Kevin Kline-iest. And Michael P-p-p-p… Palin.)

I’m sure there’s more, but those are the ones off the top of my head.