Broken Girl Media

I was a huge fan of Deadwood. When I found you, without even noticing your profile photo, I read your posts in his voice. Did you hear a Deadwood movie is in production? I was thrilled to hear it but I couldn’t tell if I was excited for the real Al Swearengen, or to hear you channeled through him.

Most important part first: yes, I did indeed hear the Deadwood movie is in production. (I hope to God they’re in the editing suite by now.) I’ve been waiting on the fucking thing for ten years, so my moribund-franchise-excitement level is somewhere between 2005’s “good for Joss, I look forward to Serenity” and 2017’s “sweet Jesus, Showtime just wrote David Lynch a blank check!”

(Side note: I still haven’t finished season 3 of Twin Peaks. It’s as if I’m holding on to that final stretch of episodes like the last piece of a wedding cake… they’re tucked away in the freezer, awaiting a special occasion to be thawed and devoured.)

Only the die-hards around here remember that Ian McShane wasn’t my original choice for an avatar.. from 2013-14, it was Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen) from Reservoir Dogs. Which I personally found both handy and hilarious, since he kind of fit with the more brutal tone of my early Tumblr stuff, and also because it was so not me. He had to go when I decided to take my writing in another direction, but there were a few people who really missed him when I switched to Al.

More trivia: if it weren’t such an obscure film, I would have gone with Madsen’s character in Kill Me Again instead of Mr. Blonde.

Oh… and thank you for the kind words, sweet person.