Questions and Answers

do you like to read other peoples writing? also was there a time in your life where you were more naive and idealistic? or have you always been grumpy?

I like very particular kinds of writing. The Idiot is an Idiot today because she wrote one of the most searingly painful and acutely self-aware things I’d ever read on Tumblr. Before I read that, she was just some chick who liked peppering me with asks, telling me I’m awesome and scary… after, she was an identifiable creature of interest.

So remember, girls: baring your ass can get me to look… baring your soul can get me to look closer.

(Of course now, it’s all “ugghhhh whine moan my legs hurt 🥺 I’m hungry 😳 I’m sleepy 🥺 that is the meanest thing you’ve ever said 😳 no, wait, now that is the meanest thing 🥺I’m hungry again 😳 …” She gets less eloquent when she’s under observation.)

RE: naive vs. grumpy

No one is grumpier than a disillusioned idealist.