Broken Girl Media

It was roughly eight to ten hours too short. And Milch didn’t make room in the script for Dolly. Other than that, it was perfect.

I laughed hysterically (at funny things, not anachronistic coffee cups), I was sad as hell (at sad moments, not failed ambition), I shouted and pumped my fist (at a scene that probably required 30 minutes and $3,000 to shoot)… if HBO wanted to make GoT look like an overwrought clusterfuck, this was the way to do it.

I’ve watched all of Deadwood a minimum of three times, and I expect to watch The Movie at least as much. Unpacking the details of the language and the little touches in the performances demands multiple viewings, and each one will be a joy. (The usual suspects are awesome, but the scene-stealer this time is Gerald McRaney, who manages to pack more imperious disdain into a glance than anyone this side of Putin.)

Go watch it, ya loopy cunts.