Questions and Answers

Don’t really know if this is the blog to ask, but did you watch E3 and is there anything you’re excited about? (Or the Nintendo direct….)

I have never once mentioned E3 on this blog, and rarely reference games in general, so… good guess.

Anyway, the answer is “kinda”. I mean, there’s no fucking way I’m sitting through any E3 press conference in its entirety these days —I don’t care enough, and the games aren’t good enough— but I do check out the “E3 in 11 minutes”-type videos on YouTube, on the off chance that something interesting catches my eye.

I don’t bother watching any of Sony’s stuff… I haven’t owned a PlayStation since the PS2. I haven’t owned any Nintendo stuff since the Wii, but I went ahead and watched Nintendo’s announcements because the Switch is interesting… I’m sure Breath of the Wild 2 will be nice, and Animal Crossing is almost always pleasant. (Fuck you, Pocket Camp.) Outside of Halo Infinite, Microsoft didn’t show any first-party stuff that excited me, although I’m at least intrigued by the way they’re chosen to fight Sony with steady, incremental hardware updates, and Console Streaming seems like a nice improvement over the in-home streaming we have now. (It’s gonna blow up some bandwidth caps, though.)

And since you probably want to know…

  • Favorite Platforms: Dreamcast, Amiga, N64, Genesis, iOS
  • Favorite Games: Civilization V, Mario 64, Wave Race, Fallout 3, Ultima IV (honorable mentions: Eternal Darkness, Nobunaga’s Ambition)
  • Favorite Shitty Games: Jumping Flash!, Road Rash, Phoenix (old arcade game from ‘82)
  • I loved my PS1 (so, so much Tekken), even though we had to turn it upside down to get it to boot. I liked my PS2, because… it had a blue LED, I guess? I’ve had no interest in anything Sony has done since.
  • I’m an Xbox person who hates Xbox Live. I checked it out one night in 2006, spent twenty minutes listening to a couple thirteen year olds scream “fag!’ at me, and never went back.