Questions and Answers

Favorite ways to edge ?


I don’t really edge cuz it does nothing for me, so idk!

“It does nothing for me”? Hmph.

Personally, I sometimes just need a girl to shut the fuck up and stay out of trouble for an hour —or two, or an afternoon— and edging is an efficient means of meeting that end. She’s occupied, her mind’s thinking about the correct things, she isn’t eating candy or spending money, and I can peek in every now and then to ensure she isn’t humping the paint off the wall.

Edging’s a playpen for emotional toddlers, basically. You’re not meant to get something out of it… you’re meant to be in it.

So I guess I’m just a little disappointed, young lady. I know the question was about masturbation, but that’s no reason to try and make it all about you.