Broken Girl Media

“Supermodels” — Kendall Payne

Summer sun has come to stay
Bikinis, tans, outrageous legs
They’re all retarded, and they all look the same
And Barbie’s body’s melting down
On her face a big fat frown
Cause Mr. Cellulite just moved into town

Kendall Payne’s Supermodels was the last gasp of my ‘90s. All the bitterness and self-loathing and masochistic romance of the decade’s girl-music was dying at the hands of The Spice Girls, but for a brief moment in 1999, Ryan Murphy’s one good show played this nasty little “fuck you” of a song over glamour shots of Leslie Bibb and Carly Pope, and all was right with the world.

Or at least entertainingly wrong.