Questions and Answers

I have good enjoyable sex with my partner but when they try to make me cum afterwards, they often fall asleep or get tired and it makes me insecure.. how can I discuss it with them? Should I just accept that they’re not interested in that?

Many thoughts:

  • There’s nothing wrong with being a self-centered prick in bed, if that’s the dynamic everyone’s expecting. But it sounds like you’re not on that page, so this guy is just being an indifferent asshole. You need to deal with that, ASAP. Even if “dealing with it” means submissive acceptance… make a conscious decision, one way or another.
  • Has anyone tried making you cum before what I assume is p-in-v sex? I mean, why not, I dunno… make that the *point* of it some evening? Yes, I know my standard position is that good girls don’t actually *do* that… dirty thing you’re describing… but it’s actually fun when you force them to shame themselves with their own selfishness. So I think your boy should keep his pants on and loosen up his jaw, just to show you who’s running the show between your legs.
  • Your question is two scoops of Double Extra Vanilla Deluxe, but you’re asking *me* about it, so I think it’s safe to assume that there’s an issue here far beyond a lazy lover. I suspect you’re taking forever to get off because your boy has no idea how fucked-up things are behind your eyes, and his listless, latent misogyny isn’t enough to get you where you want to go.
  • Should you just accept it? Is that the dynamic you want? Is that who you are? Is yours a life of service and sacrifice? Or are you just one more girl dating a d-bag who can’t be bothered?