Questions and Answers

How do you feel about girls with fake bodies/ cosmetic surgery? Do you prefer natural bodies or do you care at all?

What women in general do with their bodies is none of my business. But if they belong to me…

  • I share your resentment of gravity and desire to see things lifted when necessary, but I don’t like big balloon tits.
  • The only butt enhancement you need is a painful, multi-stage procedure that involves lots of squats and fending off Dr. Gymbro in the operating theater.
  • If your kid brother fucked up your nose with a spinning backfist while playing Ninja Turtles when you were eleven, by all means, fix that shit… but don’t go nuts with surgically removing whatever meager traces of individuality you actually possess.
  • And when it comes to injecting stuff in your face? Less is more. Way more.