Questions and Answers

I’m seeing someone and they dont believe they are kinky, but i have seen, what i call, “the sadist spark” in their eyes…

…when i get needy and desperate. i guess my question is, do you think it’s possible for a spark like that to be real? or hidden? I’m sorry if im not clear, and thank you for your time 💕

It’s possible, certainly. There are many things I tell myself I will never do, until I meet someone who convinces me she can handle it, and I know I’m free to treat her body and mind like a sandbox.

But are you that convincing? There was a time when I didn’t like hitting girls, but there was never a time when I thought I was sexually conventional… it sounds like your guy might be pretty comfortable the way he is.

In fact, put it all together and my advice is this: rather than rushing to figure out if he’s a nascent sadist, first spend some time figuring out if he’s interested in any sort of purposeful evolution in his sexuality.

Even if that flicker is there, that might be all he ever wants it to be.