Questions and Answers

I think I’ve fallen out of love with my boyfriend, how do I fix…

Do you want to fix it?

Falling out of love is actually a rather unusual reason for a relationship to end… most people reach an interpersonal breaking point long before that. Falling out of love is what people do after; that’s why we sit around for weeks or months, sorting through our misery. We’re letting something inside us rot away so something else can blossom from it. For you to be saying that before you’ve even (presumably) left makes me wonder what there is to salvage.

With that said, it’s certainly possible to fix it, but it might be just as difficult as starting anew. And the fact that you want to Frankenstein some life back into the thing suggests that the problem could well be you.

I know it sounds like I’m being incredibly pessimistic, but I’m just reacting to what you chose to say… I have no doubt there are issues and concerns and dependencies galore that are influencing your impulses, but you didn’t lead with those. You went straight to “I think I’ve fallen out of love.”

Interrogate that statement and figure out if you really mean it.

And good luck, kid.