Questions and Answers

my Daddy kept throwing me on the bed and covering my mouth during an argument. he raised his fist a couple times but didn’t hit me, he apologized after. he has done this several times. what should i do?

Okay, see, the tricky thing about these questions is that I don’t know where you’re coming from. What does “daddy” mean? Is this your soft, snuggly dom who normally slaps your behind and gets you off, who suddenly turns violent and angry in the heat of the moment? Is this a 24/7 kink relationship with lots of rules and structure that are being ignored? Or is he CNC Daddy, doing exactly what he always said he would do, and you’re simply alarmed by the newly recognized implications of old decisions you’ve made?

If it’s the first? Get the fuck out, princesssparklybrat616. He’s apologizing to reset the clock, but it never stops ticking… there will be a next time. He doesn’t have even rudimentary control over himself, and you are going to pay the price of his emotional inepitude. One night, the raised fist will be thrown.

If it’s the second?  Is he under some sort of emotional strain that has robbed him of the ability to express himself with the rational authority of ownership? You have a problem to address. Now. You’ve put a man in control of your life, and you have every reason to expect his control to extend to himself… if it doesn’t, something’s wrong and he needs help… before you do.

If it’s the third? Well, you’ve got your ass in deep shit now, don’t you, dummy? Girls who are in the market for Mean Men need to be the pickiest shoppers on the planet; it’s like selecting items off a store shelf knowing half of them will explode on contact, and half of what’s left will be insidiously clever enough to wait and go off when you get them home. If you’re very careful, you’ll get exactly what you need… if you’re not, you’ll lose everything useful about yourself for the amusement of a scumbag who’s unworthy of anyone’s sacrifice… even an idiot’s. As with rainbowunicorncummies4eva above, the answer is simple: your reaction suggests that things are far more real than you ever imagined, and they will only become more-so. Now is the time to get off the train, ‘cause you’re not ready for the ride.