Questions and Answers

What’s your opinion about girls on their period?



They need heating pads and Hershey bars and head pats, and told to get their lazy, anxiety-ridden asses to the gyno if that shit ever becomes a persistent misery. ‘Cause girls are stupid enough to let their uteri fall out before they’ll make a fucking appointment to check for fibroids.

And that’s my idea of a public service announcement. You’re welcome.

a lot of the time tho drs won’t listen to people who complain about their uteruses or periods and think we are exaggerating our pain 😔 that might be a factor as to why it seems like so many girls are “stupid” for not pursuing help w it. and society will often tell us to suck it up or make us seem like we are being drama queens about our pain.

All true… a woman’s pain is routinely minimized in examining rooms, and her unique physical issues are under-examined at the research level. Medical care is kind of a shit-show for girls, and several times a year, I have to remind one or more of them to demand that their healthcare providers take them seriously.