Questions and Answers

Where do you think kinks originate from? Alot of people think its from trauma? What do you think?

If only people were so intuitive and one-dimensional! I could herd them like sheep and teach them to jump fences when I need a nap.

Alas, humans are complicated meat machines that are so fucking clever that they came up with the idea of existence itself… they talked themselves into “themselves”. So you would not believe the countless weird ways they can get from points A to Z in their lives! It’s like watching an impossibly sophisticated, haphazardly designed Roomba careening from one misadventure to the next, knocking shit over, and eternally cleaning up one mess while leaving the scene of another.

Some people will tend to follow. Some will tend to lead. Their experiences will sometimes deepen those tendencies, sometimes shrink them. I’ve known girls from every socio-economic strata… some with broken home lives and some with whole ones… everything from sex-trafficked runaways to quiet honor students clinging to virginity long after the best have given in… and you can find pathetic little shame-monkeys among them all.