Questions and Answers

Most of your stories are too extreme for me…

Some of them go as far as to depress me even when I know they’re not real. And even judging by your asks, I know I’m not even close to the type of girls you’re interested in. And I don’t think I want to be that type of girl either. But still for some absurd reason I think about what it would be like to be owned by you every single day

It’s good to know your limitations. I don’t want anyone cozying up to me unless she’s convinced nothing else will do… if you can be happy just reading and daydreaming, then be happy. There’s no shame in fangirling from a discreet distance; I’m content to be your daily fixation.

But just between us? That stuff you’re thinking every day? It suggests that even if you’re not “that type of girl”, you’re a whole lot more than you care to admit.

Or less, depending on your perspective.