Questions and Answers

When you say you know every move your girls make…

how far does that actually go? Like, can you give us an explanation of how deep that is?

GPS shows me generally where they are, and depending on what app we’re using, where they’ve been… I get to learn their movement patterns and the neighborhoods they frequent. (Nothing makes a cunt squirm quite like a spontaneous text that asks them how they liked a meal they didn’t tell me they were going out to eat.) Cameras show me where they are in their homes, whether they’re awake or asleep, if they’re cleaning up after themselves, if they’re eating when they should, and if their pets are okay when they’re out.

With the right kind of girls, I experiment with curated reality. The only music they listen to comes from playlists I select. The only TV and movies they watch are picked by me, which can be enforced by only allowing them to stream from my home media server… if I don’t have it, they don’t watch it.

And with those who are in for the long-haul, their social media logins show me their private likes/faves, while their email accounts show me their receipts so I know where they’re wasting money. And access to their financial info allows me to know how much they have to waste. (Good luck getting a twentysomething to sign up for financial planning services, unless you tell her it’s a kinky thing… then BOOM, she’s got a Mint account.)

So… pretty deep, I guess.