Questions and Answers

Would you (not necessarily go with) but flirt with a 16-17 yo?

Not on this or any other fucking plane of existence. Teenagers who want to flirt with grown-ups can do it the old fashioned way… fall in love with a pop star from afar and write him love letters that he’ll never read. (Harry Styles seems like a nice boy.)

There’s no 16 year old alive who is intellectually and emotionally sophisticated enough to deal with me, and even if there were, she’d be a precious and precocious unicorn who should be protected rather than exploited. (Hi, Lorde-in-2013!)

In addition, I have a theory about age gaps… they work best when both people have one culture seen from different temporal perspectives. If my formative years as a young adult overlap with her formative years as a kid, then we have a shared context that informs our tastes and expectations… meanwhile, a sixteen year old has almost no chance of getting most of my references and jokes, and let’s face it, I’m pretty much a sentient wad of references and jokes.

Also, for the record, grown men don’t “go with” anyone.