Questions and Answers

I met a Dom on here with whom I later began a relationship.

As the months passed, I wanted to explore more of the D/s elements we had previously discussed. He was reluctant, saying that me cared too much for me & therefore found it disrespectful. I later find out that he was chatting to other girls online about being his sub. I am left feeling really hurt and confused. Was he not really a Dom? Or was I not submissive enough? Or does he just have a screwed up view of D/s

You’re reading too much into it. My guess is he didn’t feel any sexual chemistry and didn’t want to upset you, so he babbled some nonsense about disrespect and moved on. You were supposed to take all of it as a noble sacrifice on his part, and think fondly of him as he rode off into the sunset.

Sometimes people are just dicks.