Questions and Answers

Any advice or words of wisdom for an overweight girl with a plethora of food issues…

…wanting to desperately get into shape to be a better submissive? I swear – I have all the motivation at one moment and lose it all the next. I admire you and would love to have something I could reference when I am struggling. Thank you for all that you do on your blog. I feel like I am coming home every time I check for new posts.

PS: Happy Monday. 🖤

Your shape won’t make you a better submissive… improving yourself makes you a better submissive. Good girls are defined by their determination to develop their owner’s property, not by their ability to be a hot silhouette on TikTok.

To the right man, you’re a resource to be used… so get to refining it. Make a little progress every day, in some minuscule way. It doesn’t matter how far you get or what you improve, as long as you’ve made yourself just a little more valuable for the one who will value you.

If you want to be appreciated, then get to appreciating.

You can do it.