Questions and Answers

I have conversations with you in my head, but they’re actually fantasies about feeling very stupid and lost for words…

Your presence here is comforting to me; I’m at my most comfortable when I’m a little scared (see, I feel silly after writing that). I love that you’re a twin peaks fan. I hope you’re having a good night, or day, whatever time you read this. ❤️

I get the feeling the veil separating your fantasies of mumbling, monosyllabic dumbassery from reality is worn pretty thin in places… probably wouldn’t more than a hand on your shoulder. You’re likely halfway there, just thinking about me touching your shoulder.

For a variety of reasons, I haven’t gotten around to finishing S3 of Twin Peaks, but I can say that I watched three episodes just this weekend, so I’m a little more than a third of the way in. I’m thinking I’ll finish it in a couple of weeks.

And you’re very sweet. You have a good light-dark-cycle-based period of time of your choosing, too.