Questions and Answers

How do I tell my Daddy that sex hurts me? Have you ever had one of your girls had a problem that meant that penetrative sex hurt her?

Yes I have. And I know it can become a psychological impediment on top of a physical one.

So you’ve got to bring it up… just tell him. It’s no different than if you’re diabetic or have something else going on… you must give him the full medical explanation, so he understands what’s happening. (Depending on your condition, you might be okay in some positions and miserable in others.) And once things are out in the open, then the two of you can start experimenting with alternatives that please him.

And by the way, he’s allowed to feel a little deflated at the news; depending on how he values p-in-v, he may experience a sense of loss. So don’t throw your shields up at the hint of a frown. Give him a moment to remember that you’re even more upset about it than he is.