Questions and Answers

What are your thoughts on virginity……

  1. Do you “mind” a girl you’re going to fuck being a virgin?
  2. The whole concept in general.

There are two kinds of virgins: girls who hate being pure and are impatient/broken/stupid enough to throw it at the first dude who asks, and girls whose fealty to family or faith has left them clinging to some ludicrous scrap of virtue long after the greater part has rotted away.

The former don’t do anything for me. They’re offering something they don’t value… their flower has wilted, and they’re trying to get me to pick up the trash. The latter, on the other hand… they’re giving me the work of a lifetime, the dreams of a little girl and her parents, and a sense of sanctity in an unclean world. One drags me down into the muck, the other makes me holy.

Even as I ruin the poor thing for ever and ever.