Stuff I miss: I was just beginning to make a habit of going to the movies semi-weekly before COVID came to town, and I’d been doing quite a bit of traveling for the first time in years. Also, back then I didn’t know I lived among people who would refuse to wear masks because it’s too important that you see how angry they are at all times.
Stuff I appreciate: Delivery of all of the things. Streaming of all of the things that can’t be delivered. The end of casually penetrating my personal bubble. Telemedicine. A handful of people I’d written off in the past who have turned out to be entirely sane and simply wrong about a few things. Schmigadoon didn’t exist pre-COVID, and I hadn’t seen Hamilton. Olivia Rodrigo has turned out to be a great little Kelly Clavril Lavigne mutant with a taste for Taylor’s flavor. The Foo Fighters do The Bee Gees now.
It could be worse.