Broken Girl Media

Actual television commercial from 1980

A group of young teen girls are having a slumber party. They’re each holding what appear to be reasonably-sized sandwiches, and are poised to take their first bites.

But Mom strides into the room brandishing a copy of People Magazine. She orders the girls to wait before they eat, then opens the magazine and exhorts them to first read an article “about what it means for a woman to grow up fat in America”. The not-even-vaguely-fat girls all reluctantly lower their sandwiches to their laps. To comfort them, Mom continues, “And when you’re done, you can read this cover story about The Who!”

“The Who!” and “Roger Daltrey!” the girls scream, as they explode in squeals and giggles.

I don’t know if any decade hated girls more than the ‘80s.

ADDENDUM: Scrub to the 33 minute mark.