Questions and Answers advice lettering text on black background

How do you feel about all the girls in your inbox going…

…”my bf is doing/asking me to do [crossing a limit, red flag red flag red flag, abuse, stuff they’re not ready for], Am I The Asshole?”

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

I know it bores a part of my audience, but I’m rather sanguine about it… I figure lockdowns and existential panic have driven lots of inexperienced people into Trying New Stuff, and they’ve gotta ask questions of someone when Daddy McFuckbuddy’s reach suddenly seems to exceed his grasp.

Granted, they’d be better off asking someone more conventional and less capricious, but for better or worse, they end up at my doorstep… and as I’ve said before, I consider occasionally serving as one of the reasonable adults in the room to be the price I pay for the license I take. It’s like jury duty for perverts.