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Is there a difference between BDSM that includes aftercare and caring…

…and the humility/degradation side of it? It feels like those into degradation go so hardcore and don’t talk much about aftercare

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

For some of us, it’s simply not something that merits extended commentary; “check for damage and act like a person for a little while” isn’t a high bar to clear. You work your animal hard… then you sustain it, soothe it, and rest it, so you can get its ass back up tomorrow and do it all again.

I can only speculate about the nature of the quiet you perceive. Maybe some folks are here to shout their harshest truths into the void, not contemplate the knitting of wounds. Maybe they’re just here to make things wet or hard, and aren’t interested in the organs that typically tingle in response to aftercare. Maybe they view it as a tedious duty to be diligently performed, not a point of pride. Maybe their self-images are dependent upon strict adherence to a narrowly defined role that seems the antithesis of “care”, or they’ve painted their dynamics into a corner where giving a shit feels like a disturbance in The Force. Maybe some of them are just indifferent assholes… I dunno.

Whatever the reason, I don’t think it has anything in particular to do with the presence of a degradation kink… however “hardcore” things appear, there are still plenty of vile, stupid, ugly girls out there who get their share of snuggling, ice-packing, and reassurance.