Questions and Answers

Do you think it’s possible to keep BDSM in the bedroom and not as a lifestyle?

I’ve been dating this guy for two years and he’s slowly pushed for me to be completely submissive with everything, with finances and money and he insists that I should cook everyday, even when I have to study or am just too tired. Is this normal?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

Oh, it’s absolutely possible. Hell, most people practice bedroom BDSM. 24/7 relationships are the exception, not the norm.

(A delightful exception —and one upon which I insist in my own life— but an exception all the same.)

But I’d suggest you focus less on the relative normality of lifestyle D/s and more on the way he’s normalized an apparently unspoken scope-creep in your kink. It’s not what he wants that’s the problem… it’s how he’s trying to get it.