Questions and Answers

I’ve a Tumblr friend who is suicidal and everytime they go silent for a…

…a day, I just don’t know what to do, what has happened with them. I suppose there are ugly sides to being Tumblr friends too

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

I know intimately how tough that is, but here’s the thing… you’re not the Self-Destruction Police. You can offer support and encouragement, remind them that they matter and have a place in the world, and… that’s about it.

Your constant, hovering vigilance isn’t going to heal them or save them. All it’s going to do is leave you exhausted, and anxiously awaiting a calamity over which you have no control. And it’s of no benefit to anyone, allowing a friend’s misery to consume your life, too.

It’s hard, trying to be there for someone without feeling responsible for them. But you’ve gotta try.